Monday, September 14, 2015

11th September

And so the surprises continued.  I knew we were going out for a meal with Jos and Daphne.   Cooleys Hotel in Moonah was a far cry from The Revolving Restaurant, but we had a pleasant dinner and the company was good.   Afterwards I thought we were coming home but no, we drove out to The Derwent Entertainment Centre and had tickets for Michael Flatleys last of his last World Tours for Lord Of The Dance (you can see him on youtube).  It was a great show and I had said to Heidi ages ago that I wouldn't mind going to see it!   She talked with Jos and Daphne and together they hatched up the plan of the evening.   Thank you Ken, Heidi, Daphne and Jos for a good evening.   When I got home we found we had missed two calls from Liselotte!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Thats what friends are for! So glad you had a lovely birthday. I did think of you in Stuttgart on the day.