Monday, August 3, 2015

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

We woke up this morning to a covering of snow!   What a cerfuffle this caused, schools were closed, shops were closed, roads were closed, mums couldn't go to work cos their kids couldn't go to school.   It was the best snowfall since 1986!   
I must say, it has been really freezing today and I sincerely hope it will be better tomorrow, not least cos we have friends coming to lunch and I have already started my prep!   If they don't come we will be eating shepherds pie for the next few days.


Heidi said...

Amazing! I just can't imagine Kingston and around covered in snow- especially at the moment as another hitwave is hitting Hamburg. Yesterday Kirsten and I went to visit Mucki and Peter in Stadum. There at least was a lovely breeze and we spenht a few hours there.
Katja is also here at the moment, but workng at dpa. By the weekend they will both be gone so I can change the bedlinnen before Tim and Mandie arrive.

Anonymous said...

Nice for you to have both your girls together.