Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Brr! It's chilly.

We have had a few frosty mornings lately but I was pleased with this photo I took recently.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

What to cook for a Farewell Dinner for No. 2 Grandson?

Perhaps we should start at the beginning!

Now into the oven for half an hour and 

The finished Chicken Cobbler

And it tasted as good as it looks!

Heidi hasn't lost her creative touch.

Knowing that Nelle in particular has a liking for all things Dr. Who, Heidi came up with a suitable vehicle in which to transport them back to the Old Country.

A Photo Opportunity not to be missed.

£10 Poms

What does one wear for ones first outing to £10 Poms?
Hope this will be acceptable!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

We woke up this morning to a covering of snow!   What a cerfuffle this caused, schools were closed, shops were closed, roads were closed, mums couldn't go to work cos their kids couldn't go to school.   It was the best snowfall since 1986!   
I must say, it has been really freezing today and I sincerely hope it will be better tomorrow, not least cos we have friends coming to lunch and I have already started my prep!   If they don't come we will be eating shepherds pie for the next few days.