Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I am confused!

.There has been such a lot in the media about the two convicted drug smugglers from Australia and today they lost their ten year fight and were shot by firing squad on an island off Bali.
On the one hand they were reformed characters and did a lot of good in that hell hole of a prison in their ten years but on the other hand they knew what they were doing, had organised for seven other Australians to help them, and everyone knows that drug smuggling in Indonesia carries the death penalty.   Also it was the Australian Federal Police who tipped off the Indonesians, and of course ever since, the Government has tried to do everything in their power to get the executions stopped.   
Should there be a Death Penalty or not?   What about all the people who have died from overdosing on drugs, we don't jump up and down then do we? We don't think about them and their families and hold candlelit vigils for them.

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