Friday, March 20, 2015

Haven't been around much lately.

I told you about the flood we had, we'll still waiting for new vinyl to be laid in bathroom, loo and laundry, then all will be back to normal.
Things ain't been going too well with us lately, one way and another!
We had arranged to meet an English friend of Kens from Paynes Poppets in Burnie as he and his wife were on a round the world cruise and coming to Burnie just for the day, like cruise ships do!   Unfortunately Hazel got the dates all wrong, arranged accommodation for two nights in a lovely B&B at Wynyard but for four days later than they were in Burnie!   On the day they artived they phoned from where we had agreed to meet, bus alas we were 400 km away in Hobart.   I was so cross with myself, everyone else was so disappointed, but we decided to go up anyway, we needed a break, and we had a pleasant time.
A few photos from the weekend at Table Cape:

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I hope you had at least a good time. Trying to remember - did we go to Wynyard on our first trip up North? Is that where we saw the uge tulip fields?