Friday, February 20, 2015

Water water everywhere!

And now I know how Noah felt when he built his Arc!   Came home, after being away for three and a half hours, to find I had left the laundry tap on, with the plug in.   Not good!   Thank heaven for Insurance and a very friendly Insurance Company who seem to understand (old) people and the things they do, or don't do, like leaving taps running.
We have now had five big fan heaters blowing under the house and under the carpets for two days and they need to keep running possibly till Sunday.   We are allowed to turn them off at night, and then turn the dehumidifier on!   
Won't do that again in a hurry.
( the fate of the floating floor is still not known but we will be getting new vinyl in the bathroom, toilet and laundry and someone is coming to check out the washing machine, my good faithful Miele which we have had over 22 years!)
No photos, it's not worth a picture, imagination works better!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Good for Heidi! I'm glad she decided to do it.
And I am with you and your flood!
The opposite happens to me, I forget to turn of the stove - had to get rid of about 3 pots that couldn't be cleaned again.
So much for old age