Thursday, January 29, 2015

My Schwarzkopf

has never looked so beautiful, especially in Mandie's blue pot!

Monday, January 26, 2015

So ended a very pleasant interlude in The Great Western Tiers, Tasmania.

On the way home!

We left Liffey and had a very pleasant ride over all the back roads till we got to the Midland Highway again.   We decided to make our final lunch break at Oatlands so that I could get some stoneground flour for my love of the moment, bread making.   When I walked into the cafe on my way through to the Mill shop, who should be sitting there but Heidi and Ken!   This was really a co-incidence as Heidi never usually stops at Oatlands on her way to and from Burnie.   

We stopped off at Cambelltown so that I could show Jeanette the Sundial made from old tractor parts, also made by Tony Sprent, the same clever man who made Heidi's new lifter.   He made this in 2004 to commemorate the Transit of Venus in 1874 as it was first observed in Campbelltown.

Liffey Falls

Then we came to the second reason for coming up, Liffey Falls.   Here again, lovely natural free camp site, an hour trek up to the falls, which were running well, and then dinner and then bed, tired again, so after a couple of games of yazee we gave in and turned in for the night.

This is getting a bit protracted!

so I will speed it up a bit with a few favourite pics.
The first one is a nice little walk through a shady Palm walk along a stream.
The second is our campsite for the second night, the Pub at Mole Creek where you can stay for free so you have a meal with them in the evening.
Then next day we stopped at the town of Roses, Chudleigh, lovely little place with two special retail outlets, one for honey and one for silk, with working silkworms on view for me to video!   And the old neglected shed I just couldn't resist, right in the Main Street, with roses growing out of one door.

The Devils gullet

Some 15 km up a gravel road we did a short Alpine Walk through wooly teetered, so pretty, to look right down the devil's throat.   Blimey was it cold and windy!

Complete change of scenery

Coming through to Wilmot it is quite like the English countryside, but with the
magestic Mount Roland as a backdrop.

697 steps down!

The next morning the weather was better and we did the round walk, which included the steps down, halfway to the Canyom floor, and then a slope back up to our starting point.   All quite strenuous, but well worth the effort.

The Canyon

In between the heavily showers we bit the bullet and made our way to our first glimpse of what we had come to see, The Canyon, which was not disappointing despite the weather.

The little black blob was our first glimpse of wildlife, a wallaby!

Leven Canyon

This was the view from our door when we drove into the campsite and chose our spot, not difficult as there were only a couple of other campers there, not surprising as this is quite an isolated spot but it is very beautiful.


By the time we arrived it Deloraine it was a bit past lunchtime so we found a nice spot by the river and made the first of our picnic lunches.

Enchanted Woods

We went up through the centre, past Great Lake which is quite eerie when it is damp and misty, but we pulled off at one point ant took a couple of photos, the second one I particularly like, of the tree in the mist!

The Steppes

We decided to avoid the main Midland Highway and soon found ourselves going through the quaint town of Bothwell and out to The Steppes, which is on the middle of nowhere.   A well known Tasmanian sculptor, Stephen Walker, chose this place for his set of bronze sculptures set around a circle of well placed rocks.   

Ok, today's the day!

I mentioned that I went away last weekend with friend from Probus, Jeanette, while Ken and Heidi also headed up north, to Burney.
We set off from here on a miserable Friday morning in Jeanette's motor home, which was very comfortable, even boasting its own "facilities"

I am getting hooked on Lumosity!

And what is that?   You may well ask.   It's a brain training game which helps you in a variety of ways.   There are games for speed, flexibility, memory, problem solving etc. etc.   you can watch your statistics rise as you improve, and by doing it regularly, at least three times a week (and I try to do it every day) you do find you get quicker and more accurate.
If you want to check it out just go to it's all there and since I came to hear about it I have put several friends (and all the near family) onto it.
The games can be played any time, as often as you like, but the actual test which counts for your stats, you do just the once a day.   Try it, it's fun.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Well the weekend away came.........

And I still have to get round to blogging about it, but with so many lovely photos it is hard to make a start.
So yesterday Heidi and I took a drive down to Margate and had afternoon tea at a fairly new little place, a converted house, so quite quaint.
Here it what we had, Brioche and home made plum jam, which bought back memories of the war, 'cos that was the only jam we had for quite a while!
Heidi couldn't bring herself to spoil the beautiful pattern on her hot chocolate!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Am looking forward to the weekend!

Am off tomorrow with friend Jeanette in her camper an to Leven Canyon and Liffey Falls to do some bushwalking.   Ken and Heidi are going to Burnie so we will all meet up again on Monday.
This will be my 'home away from home' for the next few days.

Friday, January 9, 2015

And I still haven't got round to answering my Christmas mail!

Ken's new set of wheels!

Our maiden voyage, round to Heidi's, all of ten minutes (and most of that trying to negotiate the tricky barriers in the footpath, will have to go the long way round in future, which will add another five minutes, that's cos I go to, and I HAVE TO walk!

and George having fun

Finds it a bit different to his usual wheels!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My latest "toy"

Treated ourselves and Heidi to a NutriBullet each for Christmas so now we can all enjoy a lovely fresh smoothie with no mess like you get from an ordinary juicer.   With the NutriBullet you use all the fruit or vegetables with nothing left to feed to the worms in my worm farm!

A little trip round my garden