Friday, May 2, 2014

2nd May

Today is not my favourite day, especially at this time in the morning!   It is the day, forty five years ago that Steven died.   We still think of him, I still cry over him but really, it was all for the best and let's face it, a few months later we shed more tears, but this time joyful tears, on the arrival of Heidi.

But today is also the day Tim and Mandie leave for a year in Canada and Europe so we wish them Bon Voyage and hope all goes well for them.   We will miss them.


Heidi said...

I am thinking of you on this day, with all the memories it brings!
But I assume you will give Tim and Mandie a good "send off"? It will be interesting to hear how they are getting on

Debbie T. said...

Beautifully written....