Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tim and Mandie

Tim and Mandie are having a great time in Canada.   We get the occasional email but Mandie does a good job, keeping us up to date on Facebook.   Mandie enjoys the "home away from home" especially as they have their own shower and loo!

Bugger, I missed the Fagus

Referring to an earlier Post, I found a buddy to go to Mt Field with, the day dawned bright BUT it was gale force winds and dangerous weather warnings, so we couldn't go.   I seethed for the rest of the day.   Then we couldn't make it for another five days, and by then the Fagus had all blown away in the high winds, so it is on the cards for next year.

Had to console myself with other peoples photos, so here are two.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Just look at our bromeliad!

This was the little plant I was given by the lady at Ferntree whose sewing machine I bought through Gumtree.   It has even produced little Pods, as they are called, so I can now start my own Bromelliad Nursery.  Lovely colours in it.

Nota vagus gunnai, the deciduous beech

It's that time again and I am really envious of the lovely photos friend Susie took on Tuesday when she went up to Mount Field.   I don't think she would mind my sharing them with you.   I have not given up hope of scheduling in a trip up there myself, but with whom?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Jokers & Marbles

The game went well last night, with the aid of the liquid refreshment, and the Apple Pizza made a change too!

Friday, May 2, 2014

2nd May

Today is not my favourite day, especially at this time in the morning!   It is the day, forty five years ago that Steven died.   We still think of him, I still cry over him but really, it was all for the best and let's face it, a few months later we shed more tears, but this time joyful tears, on the arrival of Heidi.

But today is also the day Tim and Mandie leave for a year in Canada and Europe so we wish them Bon Voyage and hope all goes well for them.   We will miss them.