Tuesday, April 22, 2014

PROBUS visit to The Menzies Centre

then lunch then a look at Mawsons Hut on the waterfront.

The Menzies Centre is part of The University, it is well known as a very important Research Centre and has recently moved into new premises, which are very different from most if the buildings around Hobart.   It was built in two stages and has two different facades, as you see from my photo.   From the outside they look as of they could get quite dark but when you are inside this is not the case at all.

When they were excavating the foundations they came across previous building on the site and they have showcased these privies and artefacts found therein.   It is funny, these things are not really old in the scheme of things but they are very proud of them!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

very interesting and it reminds me that I haven't told you how much I enjoy the Hobart book, gives really an insight into the "making" of the town and the rivalry with Launceston