Monday, April 28, 2014

Well, there you go!

Have been up since 5am, made soup, cleaned out cupboards whilst listening to Classic FM, great music, and now for a useless bit of information.   It is the Anniversary of the Mutiny on the Bounty in 1789 but that's not all, the weather forecast for Norfolk Island is rain and 22degrees whilst on Pitcairn Island it is 26 and partly cloudy!   Now I am sure you wanted to know that.   So to make it even more interesting some of the Flora on Norfolk.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

PROBUS monthly walk, Risdon Brook Dam

Seven trusty souls turned out on a very chilly morning to enjoy the walk round the dam with me, the day before Anzac Day so coffee and fresh baked Anzac Biscuits went down very well, so well in fact that we all agreed that we should do a walk twice a month instead of just once.

Morning Tea

Was it the great walk round the Dam, or was it the contents of the biscuit barrel that put the cheerful grin on all their faces?


Scenic Drive is obviously not the only ones with Strata Management problems!   On the news this morning an 85 yr. old man shot their Strata Manager and then fell downstairs!   So both ended up in hospital!   Don't think I would go to those lengths to get rid if him!!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Harvest Festival at the Newhams house.

How about this for a glorious explosion of Autumn colour?

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

God and His Mistress got hitched!

Don't they make a lovely couple!   Tut Tut, Mona was Closed for the Wedding as they, of course, had it on site!

What a beautiful pumpkin!

Three very proud gardeners celebrated the arrival of one beautiful pumpkin, too nice to eat, we will show it off for a while.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

There is a new look in the dining room!

The last communal quilt we made at the PROBUS Craft Group featured birds of Australia.   When we had finished it we gave it to the local Rotary Club and their sister organisation, Interplast, who send surgeons and nursing staff to Papua New Guinea to carry out surgical procedures, mainly on children born with hare lips and cleft palates, and children with other mainly facial deformities which would otherwise ruin their lives.   The quilt raised almost $1,000 and was won by non other than our friend Daphne!   We couldn't believe it, that someone we knew had won it, but then that is Tasmania!   However, that is not the end of the story.    I really wanted the quilt, Daphne wasn't that bothered and wondered where she would put it in her house, so I offered her $200 as a donation to her favourite charity, Riding for the Disabled, and she accepted.   SO, it now hangs proudly over our dining table and my fishes have been relegated to the bedroom, maybe they will help me to sleep better.

My contributions to the quilt were the Pied Oystercatcher, second row, third from left, and the Blue Wren just underneath.

We had two friends to dinner on Saturday, both of whom had helped with the quilt, they were surprised to be dining beneath it.

Mawsons Hut

They hadn't even made their beds!

Then we finished at the Lark Distillery, very civilised.

PROBUS visit to The Menzies Centre

then lunch then a look at Mawsons Hut on the waterfront.

The Menzies Centre is part of The University, it is well known as a very important Research Centre and has recently moved into new premises, which are very different from most if the buildings around Hobart.   It was built in two stages and has two different facades, as you see from my photo.   From the outside they look as of they could get quite dark but when you are inside this is not the case at all.

When they were excavating the foundations they came across previous building on the site and they have showcased these privies and artefacts found therein.   It is funny, these things are not really old in the scheme of things but they are very proud of them!

No response!

Well, that was a waste of time, got no takers for the job I was offering, so I have been so busy doing all my own chores that I haven't had time to talk to you.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Help wanted, with the cooking, the washing, the picking up the towels from the huge bathroom floor, the tidying up of the current Stateroom, making the bed etc.   Finding it hard to do all these chores now I have been spoilt for two weeks, and I promise I won't forget to add on the 15% tip at the end of it all.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

They got fed up

with having their pics taken, and this was the last one

But for the continual supply of jokes I even got a present from the ladies, and this was from the little market we came across in Akaroa.

Home Sweet Home

""We are home!    First thanks to Heidi for doing all the work keeping you up to date and putting all the pics on the Blog.  Now it will be in retrospect but who cares!

We got off the 'Ship' at about 9 am, all very well organised, considering there were over 2000 of us!   We managed to find some storage for all our 16 odd bits of luggage, so we didn't have to cart it all round with us, remember there were 8 of us in total, so that is quite a few cases and hand baggage.  Then we split up, we tagged along with Jos and Daphne, took a leisurely ferry ride over to Manley (much to my delight there was even FREE wifi on the ferry, wow) and then came back to have lunch at Circular Quay.

Glad this is a bit dark, cos I think the 3 kgs I have gained in the past 13 days has all gone onto my boobs!