Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years Eve

On the spur of the moment we decided we would hold a simple BBQ here at our place.  Had a quick trip rounding up the neighbours and twelve of them turned up at six pm for a sausage sizzle,followed by our Christmas Pudding and mince pies.   The evening was pleasant so we cleared out the carport and sat out there, as there is a bit more room there and that is where the BBQ is, so it all went off very well and we all agreed that we should do this on a regular basis.   There is a lot to be said for just making up your mind and doing something, rather than planning it weeks in advance.
Shirley was on duty  though I forgot to take a photo till all the sausages were gone

Then came the Pudding, I really enjoy mandie's dead Irish Catholic Stepmothers recipe

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