Sunday, January 26, 2014

I think I have kept you up to date, wifi is a bit limiting

Cos you have to log in all the time, and I not have an hour, so messaging is out of the question.
Talk again tomorrow.

We didn't take communion...

or hang around for morning tea with the bishop, abut made or way down to a lovely little beach, down a very steep escarpment, took. Us 20 minutes just to get down there, and by the time Heidi had had a quick dip it started to rain, so back we came.

This morning we went to church

Aware you impressed, it is a lovely church and quite an interesting place to come, lovely organ music, but I made sure I didn't sit next to Heidi as she insisted an singing in my ear, my good one at that.

Glass bottom boat trip

Did a couple of hours won the lagoon in  a glass bottom boat, lots of coral and brightly coloured fish

Half day tour of the island

This was a good orientation to the island, glad we have a car, as we can go back in  our own time,a without Thea rest of the bus load, and have a each full look round.   

This is the view over Kingston, bit different to our Kngston, as it is their Port Arthur!  A world heritage sites and so well kept

Norfolk Island

Well, met up with Heidi in Sydney and flew here the next morning, a two and a half hour flight with all the fuss of customs, immigration etc. even though N ew Norfolk still belongs to Australia.

The weathe was perfect, until today, have done a bit of retail therapy, as they say "bring your credit card" there is stuff from all over, the most expensive English, German and Italian shoes and bags, a etc I could go on.
These are my new shoes, good rant they, Riekers!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Another day dawns

and it is breakfast out on the re-arranged deck.

I just hope that today will not be as hot as yesterday, although I did spend a pleasant hour or two out in the garden, in the shade with trusty iPad, practicing what I had (hopefully) learned at the Hub (IT centre) yesterday.   I think there were a few mozzies around!   I will know later today, when I start itching.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Marinated Spare Ribs

Well, that was interesting!   And now it is time for the toothpicks!

Yippee, I am on

A visit to Heidi, to try out her new table and chairs, great.Things are returning to normal, had a lesson at The Hub today, our IT help centre so am raring to go!

Now to look though recent photos and put something on.

New ipad

Well, where do I start?   I have a new iPad, so Ken can have one too when I go away.   That is as good an excuse as any, don't you agree?   The only thing is, now I have to get used to it all over again!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

August, Osage County

Another film not to be missed, but don't go, like me, expecting to have a laugh (it was graded 'Comedy') cos it is a black comedy, but wonderful performances by Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts.   Talk about a dysfunctional family, this family beats the lot.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

I found it!!

My birthday card from Heidi for last September turned up in the New Years grand clear out, about to be undertaken

Oh well, thanks Heidi

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

and then we went to the cinema

to see Judy Denches latest film success Philomena, it lived up to all expectations, a film not to be missed.  She is such a great actress, warts and all!

See it if you can.

New Years Day

started bright and early with a walk from Conningham where Joan used to live, to Legacy Beach, a cliff top walk with lovely views along the way.

New Years Eve

On the spur of the moment we decided we would hold a simple BBQ here at our place.  Had a quick trip rounding up the neighbours and twelve of them turned up at six pm for a sausage sizzle,followed by our Christmas Pudding and mince pies.   The evening was pleasant so we cleared out the carport and sat out there, as there is a bit more room there and that is where the BBQ is, so it all went off very well and we all agreed that we should do this on a regular basis.   There is a lot to be said for just making up your mind and doing something, rather than planning it weeks in advance.
Shirley was on duty  though I forgot to take a photo till all the sausages were gone

Then came the Pudding, I really enjoy mandie's dead Irish Catholic Stepmothers recipe

Tim's Birthday

We went to dinner with Mandie and Tim on the 27th, Mandie had the day off so she was on kitchen duty but somehow she managed to coerce William into doing the cooking, while she acted as kitchen hand and made the trifle!   We has stuffed chicken breasts, new potatoes, haloumi and a salad dressed by Mandie.  All very tasty.   Tim enjoyed his usual mince pies and I did manage a small baked raspberry cheesecake for Mandie, you can see these on the bench.

Williams girlfriend Nell joined us at the table

Not sure what time we left!