Friday, November 8, 2013

Busy week

Monday morning, bright an early, saw a coach load of mixed Probus members heading north to the old property of Woolmers, up near Longford, which belonged to six generations of the Archer family, where every firstborn son was called Thomas and inherited this old property, which is now World Heritage listed, as the last Thomas never married and never had a son, which was very fortunate for Tasmania.

In the extensive grounds they have now made the National Rosé Garden but alas, we were two weeks early and had to hunt for our roses.

There are cottages there which have been made into Accommodation for visitors so it will be added to my list for possible revisiting in February.   The thought of wandering through the Rose Gardens in the evening, when most tourists gave gone, appeals to me.

Sorry about the green corners!!


Heidi said...

It does look very tempting - so keep in on our "to do" list till next year (but perhaps without the whole Probus crowd)

Hazel said...

Ok, we'll leave them behind