Monday, November 25, 2013

Mona, Museum of old and new Art!

Today Heidi and I finally went to Mona.

We had a good start, look who we parked next to!  Mind you, he could spend a bit more time taking care of his car, it was filthy!   As for his Mistress, obviously she is never home, so I applied for the job.   Am still waiting to hear!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The other "guests"

The Newhams Jnr are looking after four new residents, very friendly "pet" sheep who are too old to end up as lamb chops and too well loved to become mutton.

Talking of cabbages.....

And Heidi was, in her last comment, look at ours!    Our cabbage is looking splendid, it started off as one of triplets but one got eaten by wallabies and one gave up the ghost, but No 3 has certainly thrived.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

We're going on a diet -tomorrow!

Had a nice Saturday drive out to The Sorell Fruit farm but didn't pick any strawberries, which was all that was on offer at this time of the year.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bit of a glitch!

Don't know what happened on the 11th but my post did not go.   Anyway, I am still harvesting mushrooms, so that really was a good investment, $9 has given us a lot of very tasty mushrooms, thank you.

Remembrance Day

It's the 11th day of the 11th month so at 11 am all around the country there will be services.  I went out into the garden and took a photo of my own poppies, they are such a cheerful sight and despite what Joan said when she gave me the first one, I don't care if they spread all over the garden!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Busy week

Monday morning, bright an early, saw a coach load of mixed Probus members heading north to the old property of Woolmers, up near Longford, which belonged to six generations of the Archer family, where every firstborn son was called Thomas and inherited this old property, which is now World Heritage listed, as the last Thomas never married and never had a son, which was very fortunate for Tasmania.

In the extensive grounds they have now made the National Rosé Garden but alas, we were two weeks early and had to hunt for our roses.

There are cottages there which have been made into Accommodation for visitors so it will be added to my list for possible revisiting in February.   The thought of wandering through the Rose Gardens in the evening, when most tourists gave gone, appeals to me.

Sorry about the green corners!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Narrow Road to the Deep North

This is Richard Flanagan's latest novel, I have not read anything of his -yet - but this one got a really good write-up.