Sunday, September 29, 2013

It's marmalade time!

Had the Seville Oranges sitting there for weeks, so thought it was time I got on with it.   It is a bit of a palava but today I took a couple of shortcuts (which is another way of saying I did not read the directions properly, thought I knew it all!) but it seems to have turned out well. here is a little movie for those of you who look at this on a computer rather than an ipad!

How about this for a great photo!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Angels are getting there!

Yesterday they were baptised by total immersion (so they are all Baptist Angels) into a pot of white paint and then hung up to drip and dry.   Next session they will get their faces and hair dyed.   Price has gone up considerably since the initial quote go $1 each, now they are Heirloom pieces and will become very collectible.

If you want to order, you had better get your order in NOW!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Mum you would be proud of me!

Hope you are looking down and watching what I have just done!   Last year we had new vinyl in the laundry, and I saved the scraps!!   Yesterday we had gas hot water installed so they removed the huge hot water tank and yippee, I have gained a cupboard for the vacuum cleaner, brooms etc. AND managed to match up the vinyl with the piece I saved, just like you would have done.   Thanks Mum!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Second Session making Angels

It was time to add their hair.   You can imagine, making wigs for seventy little pasta angels took three of us all afternoon.   We have come to the conclusion that we must be mad.   

Our Korean Dinner

We had our Korean dinner on Sunday, it was most enjoyable, I was a little surprised!

It's my turn next, and it's going to be ETHIOPIAN!    Coming?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

It me - again!

It's so cold here yet in New South Wales they have raging bush fires!

Thought you might like to share my birthday presents, a new art work from Heidi and Aussie Natives from Tim.   Up close they are so beautiful.


It's another chilly morning, snow on the mountain but the sun is shining too!   

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Blimey, he's a day late!

Ken just came out of the bathroom smelling of the After Shave he bought out from England (only 26 years ago!) but my birthday was yesterday, not today, so he's missed the boat - again.

One of these days he'll finish it up!!

Best birthday!

My birthday finished on a high note as I had dinner with Ken, Tim and Heidi at Blackmans Bay.   It was so good to have them all to myself and I am very happy that we could spend this time alone.

It was a good day all round.   Started by having a few games of Mah Jong with Ken in front of the fire, it was very cold and windy, then went with Heidi to  German friend Eva to start a new Christmas project, hence the photos, more to come as they progress.

The angels are made from pasta!  Penne, macaroni and soup stars are used for body, arms and hair!   Very labour intensive but fun when there are three of you.   We aim to make sixty but during the session the price went up considerably from $1 each to 5! 

Monday, September 9, 2013

How's this

for a table full of leafy green goodness?

Just been up the community garden for a quik pik!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

It's me -again!

The statistics show that most people pop off early in the morning, that's a good time for me, I am at my best then!

Can't sleep, so thought I would show you what I'm up to at the moment, apart from the little quilts, which are an ongoing thing.

I am getting carried away with Strip Quilting!   No I am not taking my clothes off, I am cutting material into strips and re-assembling it in a useful form.

Last night I finished the following little tote bags, they will probably end up on the Christmas Trade Table which Probus are having in November, though I shall be loathe to part with them.

even my iPad has a new bag to carry it in when I am "on location!"