Sunday, June 30, 2013

Excuses, Excuses!

Still bugs me, why I could not get the others in the water! I did offer to share my towel, as I was the only one who had come prepared. Maybe it just wasn't big enough!!

Friday, June 28, 2013


This is what greeted me in the porch on my return home today. Poor little New Holland Honeyeaters, dead as a door nail (but he did manage to turn over for me, so that I could photograph him from both sides!)

Taking the plunge!

Last weekend a load of foolhardy souls in Hobart bared all in a nude swim in the River Derwent at sunrise on the shortest day.

Yesterday, on our monthly Probus walk I too plunged, up to the ankles, into the Derwent when we walked along the cliff top to Boronia Beach, which is a designated nude beach but try as I might I couldn't get any of the others to strip off so I felt I had to set a good example!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A little ray of sunshine

in an otherwise grey cold day is that I can go out into the garden and find lovely flowers like these.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Our Aboriginal Heritage

No Australian Trip would be complete without some mention of Aboriginees. We called in at a site on the banks of the Murray and were given a tour of their Sacred Sites and an explanation of the rock art we found there.

Last night on the Murray Princess.

We finished with the Captain's Dinner, a formal dress affair with a Seafood Buffet and lots of Dry Ice! Pity I don't like Seafood, but there was still turkey and ham for the misfits like me.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Maybe this would have been a better choice of photo

for the next post.
(Back home now to avery wet and a bit cold Tasmania but loving it?)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Back on Terra Firma!

Here we sit, at Adelaide Airport, waiting for our flight to Melbourne, then on to Hobart and home!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

River Murray here we come!

Only four hours up to catch the boat at devonport, ten hours on the ferry, all day driving through Geelong, Lorne, Apollo Bay to our first night, then on again, another whole day on the road, to arrive in Adelaide before the final two hour drive to our destination. Big country, this Australia!

Raspberry Hills for lunch

and a nice welcoming log fire, with waffles, raspberries and ice cream to go with it!

Waiting to get on the boat

and so to bed!

Nearly time to get off the boat

Melbourne in the early morning!

Geelong for breakfast

Apollo bay for lunch, with a visit to the market at Lorne in between.

The Great Ocean Road!

Done this before but still good to see such a beautiful coastline again.

Saturday night

Found a reasonable Motel on the Highway, right opposite Maccas. Long day, lots of driving (for Joss) but it is still quite tiring.

We will be glad to get to bed!

Sunday breakfast!

was had at a well known establishment, but not before we had driven a couple of hundred km with nothing else in between Warnamboul and Mt Gambier.


Stopped off at Naracoorte and visited the World Heritage listed caves where prehistoric animals have been found, still in reasonable condition.


Well, here we are in Adelaide, very swish hotel, hardly any more expensive than last nights motel!
We have a great room and have just polished off the complementary bottle of bubbly. Jos and Daphne helped, and I tried very hard to get them into the bath with me, but alas it was not to be.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Photo shoot

You don't get many photos of me, so here we are, me with my new specs ( which he says I can keep on all the time!) so I just might not lose them so quickly this time as they will be on the end of my nose!

Just a quickie

Forgot to post the photos I took on Sunday when we went down memory lane (the Huon Valley) to an afternoon of Jazz. Got a bit noisy at times so I went outside along the river bank and took sims photos of the tree stumps which have been transformed into carvings relevant to the area. The one I liked best was the Apple Pickers.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Auf Wiedersehen

Off on another little break tomorrow. This time we are going over to 'the other island' for a four day cruise on a paddle steamer on the Murray River, one of Australia's most important rivers.
The boat is the Murray Princess, you may be able to Google it!

Anyway all being well you should see a few snazzy photos on my return!

Saturday, June 1, 2013


My first attempt at Onion tart, substituted Buttermilk for Sour Cream so I hope I have not spoilt it!! All we need now is the new sweet wine, Prost