Monday, October 22, 2012

Lonely Planet

Wow Hobart has been named in the Top Ten Capital Cities of the world to visit, so there! Mona is certainly catching the tourist eye. And soon you will be able to sleep in a Morgue, they are turning a former facility into Boutique accommodation. If you don't fancy that you can always stay with us!


Heidi said...

Stay with you? Have you found a guest-bed yet?

Hazel said...

What are you worried about? There is plenty of room between me and Ken!

Heidi said...

We call that a "Besucherritze" - but wouldn't choose it

Hazel said...

You are fussy! Never heard of a Besucheritze, what does ritze mean?

Hazel said...

Ain't google wonderful, ritze means the crack between two twin beds, but here there is no such a crack!