Friday, October 26, 2012


How about this for a beautiful flower?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Made them giggle at Mah Jong today when I said I was going to see Karlo 's erection, but just look at it, it is coming on fine, can't wait to see it brimming with veggies.

It's finished!

It has only taken 23 years but at last my Christmas Tree Skirt is finished. What shall I do now, will have to seek out another UFO (unfinished object)?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Lonely Planet

Wow Hobart has been named in the Top Ten Capital Cities of the world to visit, so there! Mona is certainly catching the tourist eye. And soon you will be able to sleep in a Morgue, they are turning a former facility into Boutique accommodation. If you don't fancy that you can always stay with us!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Went down to Peppermint Bay

To suss out where to put the croquet hoops at the forthcoming wedding of our friend's daughter. It is. Lovely venue, I am sure the interstate guests will be most impressed, especially as they will be coming down from Hobart by boat.

In repose

There was a very interesting new sculpture there. The day was spectacular, as was the view .

Had a bit of fun with the iPad

And they turned out like this:

Joan's garden

It's that time of the month!

No, not that time silly, all that is long since over!

The monthly get together was at Joan's house, the first time since she moved in.

For once we were all there, even Sue, who had come down from the north to visit several different friends.

Sue has an iPad too, do she showed the girls some photos from her recent sojourn on the mainland.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Our clematis

Is bloomin' lovely

And this is my latest indoor plant, it is an Ornithogalum called Chesapeake Snowflake and it is already proving to be a beauty.


The poppies are for our friend Brian who died last week. He was a fellow Croquet Player and a really nice friendly man. You learn a lot at a funeral, but you must not think it is too late, you must be grateful for having known him.

Goodbye Brian

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sister Sue

Never thought I would get a photo of Sue for my Blog but here it is. This was taken on the way across The Channel,never thought we would have a real Sailor in our family!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Gotta nice bunch of flowers the other day!

Wonder what I will get for the next fifty years!

Oh dear

Who says I can't burn things to a crisp?