Monday, November 14, 2011

Round 1


Well, Saturday dawned sunny and bright, the perfect day for our first Opem Home. The Queen of Clean came and gave it the once-over (which took two hours) and then we were ready to go!! What do you do while your home is being inspected, you drive round and round, sometimes coming by the house to see what activity (if any) is being generated?

Well, we have nine prospective buyers through, which apparently for this day and age is very good, so now we sit and wait to see what develops, i.e. we play The Waiting Game. Fingers crossed for us please.
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Heidi said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
When is the next open house? And has anyone made an offer yet?

Anonymous said...

No, not yet and we may leave another Open Home until after Christmas as everything stops for the Festive Season here, not sure yet.