Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Fruits of our labours!



You had better come soon, or the birds and us will have eaten them all! I have netted the raspberries but still they sit on the fence and hunt for a way in. As for the Redcurrants, I will never forget the huge bowl of redcurrants you had at St Gerard, and the taste of them too. Makes my little container full pale into insignificance but this is the first year I have had any. I will pop them in the freezer for January.
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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Silver Medal Competition



I WON - Wow, after a busy week and five three hour matches I finally pulled it off against Don, a Lancashire lad. Sometimes I feel I am getting a bit old for this lark, but that is it now for Competition until after Christmas.
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Monday, November 21, 2011

Vodafone Passion Day






Thanks to 11 young people from Vodafone our 'Community Garden' will soon be up and going. It went from nothing to being all laid out with brick paths, built up garden beds and filled up with earth, all in one day. My contribution was keeping them fed and watered!! What a great days work, thankyou Vodafone for having these Passion Days, apparently every employee is allowed one paid day a year to help a charity or a good cause, like us!!
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Monday, November 14, 2011

Round 1


Well, Saturday dawned sunny and bright, the perfect day for our first Opem Home. The Queen of Clean came and gave it the once-over (which took two hours) and then we were ready to go!! What do you do while your home is being inspected, you drive round and round, sometimes coming by the house to see what activity (if any) is being generated?

Well, we have nine prospective buyers through, which apparently for this day and age is very good, so now we sit and wait to see what develops, i.e. we play The Waiting Game. Fingers crossed for us please.
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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Harvest Festival


The harvest is just beginning, the garden looks very productive.
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Must be that time of the year - again!


Will we miss this, no not really.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

and here we are!


Now the whole neighbourhood will know we are for Sale, just lets hope they all come for a 'sticky beak' on Saturday morning, from ll to ll.45, our first (and hopefully last) Open Home.
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Don't know what happened to October, it never made it, partly because my calendar was rudely taken down from the wall and hastily shoved into a drawer while the beautifying of No. 104 took place. I have retrieved it now, but alas I can't hang us up again so we will just have to sit around!!
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