Monday, October 31, 2011

Things are starting to happen!!





Today the Photographer and the man to draw up the Floor Plan came to visit, along with our Real Estate Lady.

It is a funny feeling, we have been here about twelve years, wonder how it will go from now on!
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Heidi said...

And I wonder too! I can imagine what it must be like. Have gone through the same procedure a couple of times, and still remember when Enmore Gardens 29 was being sold.
Keep me posted!!!!
And any hope that you will reply to my recent mail?

Sookie said...

Where are you going?

hazel said...

Not far away, but nothing sure at the moment. PS Will you be around for the Christmas Party - on the beach at B Bay, I am counting on you being there!!!!

Heidi said...

When are you having the Christmas Party? In our part of the world Christmas is in December (and I'm having my own open house on the 26th), and I'll only get to Tassie in January. So if you can postpone it until then, I'd love it