Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Round the wrong way!


This was the Borsch which I made with the lovely beetroots in the next Blog! and maybe this is the time to tell you what I am up to lately!

Rob Pennicott, a local lad who runs ecotours round Bruny Island and down at Port Arthur in rubber dingies, is raising money to eradicate Polio from the World. Bill Gates and Rotary International have donated millions but they are 40 Million Dollars short so Rob is circumnavigating Australia (in an anti clockwise direstion) in an l8 ft Yellow boat (in fact you can google him or find him on the Web and read all about it for yourself. or you can even follow him on Facebook.

And I, for my part, (having had polio when I was l8) am doing my bit, with the help and support of Ken of course. We are having dinner parties here, for four or six people, when they get a three course homecooked meal for $28, which is quite cheap by todays standards.

The menu changes every time, (so it doesn't get too boring for me) and my challenge is that I have to budget for a good meal for $8 per person, which takes a bit of doing, but can be done if you don't offer fillet steak or atlantic salmon!!!

No doubt you will be hearing about my progress, so far we have had two dinners and raisd $284, so if we can keep on at this rate we will be up to $1000 in no time. Rob is taking three months for the trip, so I hope to do this for the next three months. One thing is for certain, Ken and I won't starve!
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Elaine said...

and it was very yummy!! Great idea Hazel - and of course your cooking brings pleasure to the happy diners.

hazel said...

Thanks Elaine (at least one happy customer out there!)