Monday, December 13, 2010

That's better!


Second choice, the Cheese Straws turned out OK I guess, they disappeared quickly. The Neighbourhood, or rather Cul de Sac Christmas get together was a great turnout, 100% more people than last year, in fact only non appearances from two lots of neighbours, one of whom is dubbed "mad Mary" so it is just as well she didn't come and cast a spell on the lot of us.
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Anonymous said...

not fair making my mouth water so just looking at these delectable morsels!

Heidi said...

I can only agree with the first comment

Colleen said...

What is a xmas block party about? The street here is having one but of course what it seems like to me, is a good chance for someone to case my house for a robbery...

hazel said...

Oh yea of little faith!!