Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Bad language, sorrybut the time changing didn't work, will have another go.

Got to get it right!!

Am trying to change the time, so you don't think I get up in the middle of the night just to Blog!! Here goes!

Out with the old, in with the new!!

The Newhams are finally embracing the Twentyfirst Century and new technology. Anyone want a well used old fashioned TV complete with new set top box? The local paper is full of adverts, people wanting to get rid of their old sets, can't see there will be many takers.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Catching the Wave (on camera)

This was the one I really wanted to show you.

Just checking!!

Notice anything different? I have changed my Template. Got to keep you looking!!
What did you think of the Passionfruit Souffles? They tasted as good as they looked. I am beginning to think I am a bit food obsessed, is it the cold wintery weather that keeps me indoors and cooking? Have had some great walks on the beach lately, the waves are really rough and I spend ages trying to get just the right one on camera.

Passionfruit Souffles

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I am a failure!!!!

Threw out the Sauerkraut I had been trying to make. Maybe I was a bit premature but it looked a bit yukky to me, it had gone black in places, although I must admit as I put it into the chook bin (poor chooks, bet it makes them thirsty as all it consisted of so far was cabbage layered with seasalt) the bottom looked OK it was just the top bit which had gone funny. Any ideas or suggestions, other than buying it in a jar from the Supermarket?

Back to the drawing board.

Raspberries and cream - yum!

I am dreaming, have just planted ten raspberry canes so am already salivating and looking forward to the time we can go out and pick them, which should be around Christmas - who needs Christmas Pudding when you can have fresh raspberries?
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Monday, July 13, 2009

The Festival of Voices

I am the one to the left of the lady in the light top
The Hobart Town Hall
The Bonfire at Salamanca

I have been a bit quiet lately, just in case you hadn't noticed, but this is because I have been busy rehearsing for the Festival of Voices which is on in Hobart once a year in the winter. Now that I am a fully fledged chorister, (I sing with a Gospel Choir called 'Sing For Your Life') the last four days have been taken up with going to concerts, singing in concerts and going to be big Bonfire at Salamanca, which was huge and a bit of a worry at times when sparks seemed to go everywhere but the little kids there did not seem at all phased by the commotion.

The Opening Night Concert was held in St. David's Cathedral, a beautiful venue, but oh so cold. Talk about freezing the knobs off a brass monkey, and to cap it all, I had worn full thermals (standard attire these days) all day but decided to discard them in the evening as although they are not visible they make me feel bulky!!! Who cares in future, I won't, and the thermals will remain.

The venue was fantastic, the lighting effects sensational and the choristers from all over the place were absolutely fantastic. So many young voices, and to think these days youngsters get such a bad press, it is comforting to think that there are still many youngsters out there who get such pleasure from singing.

The next night WE were on!! This time in the Town Hall, Ken took some pictures but he didn't capture the beautiful ceiling of the Townhall so I went on the net and found one. And here we are singing there, a great venue.

It is all over now for another year, but I feel I know a few more of my fellow choirmembers now, this sort of event sure brings you together. IF you are interested there is a clip you can see of an article about our choir done recently when a reporter from the local ABC came to visit, if you click on 'why sing' under the photo (see if you can spot me!!) The link is http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2009/07/03/2616275.htm wow it worked, the old copy and paste bit!! Let me know what you think about it when you have had a listen.

That is it for tonight, tomorrow I will tell you all about my wonderful passionfruit souffles!! (Showing off again, no wonder I need to lose a bit of weight!) Goodnight.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

All Smiles!

They won't be smiling in August, when they get the rest of the Bill!! Our amended Rates Bills came yesterday, so there was a quick street conference (you show me yours and I'll show you mine ) They have decided to separate the water rates so our bills have all gone down dramatically, but come August, we will get another bill, so that will wipe the smiles off their dials!

Christmas in June

Well, its all over! Eighteen of our croquet club members sat down to (hopefully) enjoy the turkey, ham and all the trimmings served up by yours truly and two willing helpers. With limited cooking facilities at the club (one hotplate and one microwave to be exact) most of the food was prepared at home and then 'rushed' to the clubroom (in my case 15 minutes away) Oh how I longed for a platewarmer, I hate serving up a hot meal on cold plates, but beggars can't be choosers. The Christmas Pudding and brandy sauce, mince pies and truffles were a big success, and for those who do not like Chrissy Pud there was a beautiful lemon cheesecake. Even Father Christmas enjoyed his Pudding, as the photo shows!!

So that is it, after a few Christmas Carols, (Australian words-so relatively crude) for another year.