Sunday, May 24, 2009

A quick lick of paint here and there!!

The holiday had 'after effects' in that we decided (or I did) that after 20 years on the same futon we needed a new bed, or at least a new mattress so off to the Bedding Shop we did go.

Photo No. 1 would indicate that I was trying to trade Ken in, or that I wanted a snazzy bed like those shown here, but no, we settled for the mattress you see me trying out, it is great, and we are more than happy with our new found comfort. (Just need some new bedlinen now!!)

Back to our return from holiday!! We had arranged with Tim before we went that he would come in and revarnish the living and kitchen timber floors so we had cleared out all the cupboards and bookshelves before we went, so they just had to carry out the furniture.

We were driving along the Great Ocean Road on our way from the airport when the phone rang (oh these mobile phones) and it was Mandie, asking what colour we would like the walls, as while they had everything out they might as well do some painting as well. Well I didn't argue with that, just said she had such good paint choosing skills that I would be happy with her choice, if they were sure they wanted to go to all that trouble!! Not content with that, she decided that now that we had completely stripped the garden fence of all the ivy, that would look better painted as well, so while Tim and George toiled indoors she and Kiya painted the fence a gunmetal grey colour, which looks absolutely gorgeous. Kiya (not known for her love of work) nearly had a fit when Mandie jokingly said the outside looked so good they should now do the inside!!

So we came home to a lovely new look with walls of china white, repolished floors and groovy fency, not bad eh!

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