Saturday, May 30, 2009

Foot Fettish

You have got to admit it, the feet definitely have it!! Do you like the 'his and hers bedsocks' (from Chickenfeed) and the barefoot ones were his idea, to tell me what a bad condition my feet are in. We have this arrangement, I cut his hair and he 'sees to' my feet. Think I have the best part of this arrangement. AND I didn't forget to take my 'special' socks, from the Grand Canyon (courtesy Heidi) AND I did disinfect my boots on the Great Ocean Walk when I was told to.

There should be a Footnote to this post, but can't think of one!!!


I can't get the top off the Tonic Water bottle (and I can't drink my Gin neat - or could I?)

As you can see, I am missing him, there are some things a girl just cannot do and screw tops are just not my forte

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Auf Wiedersehen Pet

They have gone!!

Just got back from taking Ken and Heidi to the airport for their flight to the Gold Coast!!
Ken's doing alright, just had time to unpack his bags from our holiday and he was off again!! Alright for some.

It is going to be a bit quiet around here, although I have Loki to keep me company. Loki is a friend's dog and I have him for three weeks while they are on holiday. I do this from time to time, (gives me a bit of pocket money and makes me go out for a walk - as if I need any coaxing!!!)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Click click!!

and of course, you do know that if you double click on a photo it comes up larger, and you don't have to squint!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


They've done it again - put the two photos from the previous post round the wrong way, so just look at the second one first and the first one second!!

A quick lick of paint here and there!!

The holiday had 'after effects' in that we decided (or I did) that after 20 years on the same futon we needed a new bed, or at least a new mattress so off to the Bedding Shop we did go.

Photo No. 1 would indicate that I was trying to trade Ken in, or that I wanted a snazzy bed like those shown here, but no, we settled for the mattress you see me trying out, it is great, and we are more than happy with our new found comfort. (Just need some new bedlinen now!!)

Back to our return from holiday!! We had arranged with Tim before we went that he would come in and revarnish the living and kitchen timber floors so we had cleared out all the cupboards and bookshelves before we went, so they just had to carry out the furniture.

We were driving along the Great Ocean Road on our way from the airport when the phone rang (oh these mobile phones) and it was Mandie, asking what colour we would like the walls, as while they had everything out they might as well do some painting as well. Well I didn't argue with that, just said she had such good paint choosing skills that I would be happy with her choice, if they were sure they wanted to go to all that trouble!! Not content with that, she decided that now that we had completely stripped the garden fence of all the ivy, that would look better painted as well, so while Tim and George toiled indoors she and Kiya painted the fence a gunmetal grey colour, which looks absolutely gorgeous. Kiya (not known for her love of work) nearly had a fit when Mandie jokingly said the outside looked so good they should now do the inside!!

So we came home to a lovely new look with walls of china white, repolished floors and groovy fency, not bad eh!

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Great Ocean Walk

We are back!! It was great, we had a really good time, with good weather and good company (just the two of us)

The house at Apollo Bay was very nice, but the cottage on Cape Otway was the best, it was one of four on a 30 acre property owned by a lovely lady, recently widowed, who had horses and two Jack Russell dogs, not my favourite breed but these two were the apples of her eye, and obviously great company.

What I did not realise was that Cape Otway is one of the relatively few places in Australia where you can actually see Koalas in the wild!! We were very lucky, and in the end got quite blase at yet another Koala!! It is funny, you think of Oz and you think of Koalas, yet there are not many of them, plenty of stuffed ones in all the gift shops but not many in the wild.

The object of the holiday had originally been to walk as much of the 91 km walk as possible, with two cars. As there was now only one car and one keen walker and one not so keen walker, we had to change our plans and work out how Ken could drop me at the beginning of a section and, hopefully, meet me at the end of that section. It was always a funny feeling for me (and I think for him as well) wondering if we would ever meet up again, and it was quite a relief when we did!!

I spent quite a bit of time pondering why I put myself through this walking business, why couldn't I just curl up with a good book and enjoy the holiday, why did I have to tramp alone through the Australian bush with my stick (lots of signs indicating snakes around, and some positive sightings but luckily not by me!!) Anyway, I feel I know the Great Ocean Walk and that beautiful coastline a lot better now. I will put more photographs in an album and send you a link, it is a bit of a pfaff putting them on here, they take for ages and come out all in the wrong position anyway!!

Our cottage, which was aptly called Sunrise, was lovely, only two years old and fitted out by Ikea, so quite trendy. We had to take enough food for the five days, as there were no shops round the corner. Thanks to a bit of menu planning we did quite well, ate quite well and had just enough for the duration. In the first house we had (or rather )Ken had a dishwasher, but in the cottage it was US. Never mind, used to that at home and even the dishwashing seemed more pleasant in such lovely surroundings.

On the second Sunday that we were there it was Mothers Day so I did get taken out to lunch at a very nice new restaurant so no washing up or cooking that day!

We also went to the Otway Fly, which is a walk over the trees deep in the rainforest. We have a similar one here in Tassie, called the Airwalk, Heidi has been on it, and as a rule Ken has no head for heights but partly to keep me company he agreed to come on, with the proviso that if he didn't like it he would retrace his steps, but he didn;t need to, apart from the 100 steps up to the tower in the middle, and the cantelever bit, he managed it all.

There are also a fair few lovely waterfalls, mostly including a bit of a walk, so we got plenty of these in as well, and heaps of steps all over the place, but it was good.

When we got back home, but that is another story, will tell you about that next post.
Cheers, Hazel.