Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Joan loves a challenge

The lovely scented Viburnum outside the porch, I pruned it incorrectly last year, it was growing much too high, so this year we have taken a "softer" approach! If it does not survive, well I will replace it!

Wow that was drastic!

The rose by the steps

Looked like this

and now it looks like this

The rose outside the front door

It did look like this

and now it looks like this

Monday, July 29, 2013

High tea with the Newhams

Well, could have invited the whole of Scenic Drive, there was enough food. Eva and Klaus either had a large lunch or they don't eat mid afternoon, or Heidi said Klaus is a savoury man. Anyway We enjoyed it.

Herewith a photo of the happy couple! and one of the rest of the spread. (Trust us to put chocolate mousse in our wine glasses, instead of wine!)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Heidi

Yesterday it would have been Steven's 49th birthday and today it's Heidi's birthday, I often wonder what it would have been like if he had not died. Must not be morbid, today will be about Heidi, hope she will be hungry 'cos its Afternoon Tea at No 28 and there will be plenty to eat!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The best, quickest and effective answer to the following Post

About flyscreens, you get a Karlo to come and fix it.
Fast, cheap and effective.
Thanks Karlo.

Stupid bloody flyscreens!

We have only been here 26 years and we still can't get the flyscreens back onto the windows. Thanks to a friendly bird, who poo'd on the window, I have a question! How do they manage to sh#t through the flyscreen onto the glass? And how do you put the flyscreen back, when it is wider than the window opening! We are not the only ones, I googled our problem and there were heaps of other people in the same predicament! Any answers out there?

Monday, July 22, 2013

Blast from the past

Trust Ken to find these on sale at our local Reject shop! Heidi even remembered how to open the boxes! Two of a kind!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

'ello 'ello!

I'm still here,been quiet lately, staying indoors,keeping warm but as you will see, I have not been idle!

I promised June I would show her the little quilts I have been making. I asked Tim what I (we in Probus Craft Group) could do for the neonatal ward and the two suggestions were quilted covers for on top of the humidicribs to keep the light out but to cheer up the ward for the parents and staff. Big project, put on hold till I can go and see for myself what they want, but the second suggestion was more appealing - little quilts for the basinettes (cots). So I got cracking, and below you will see where I am up to!

The first one

I enjoyed this, time consuming but feedback from Tim was, too nice, it will walk!! They do have the problem of things disappearing when the babies go home, oh well!

Next I wanted to use up some of my many remnants from my quilting days, so this strip quilt was born, fun and quick to do

Embroidery was next

so Teddy with kites appeared.

On the "use up"theme, I found the centre of this quilt among my s raps so I finished it off with a few more patches and now it is waiting to be backed, quilted and bound.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Continuing the "chilly" theme

Heidi took this photo of her windscreen from the inside of her car on Sunday. What a fantastic pattern the ice made.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Well done Andy(even if you are a Scot)

At least he is a Brit! Just got up to the great news that Andy Murray won, first time for 77 years a Pom has held the Title. Sorry about the tears from our German, at least no grunting in their match.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Brr it's chilly!

That is snow up there on the mountain this morning, but at least it has stopped raining and blowing a gale.

Roll on Summer!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Gambian Dessert!

We went next door, to a lunch with a Gambian flavour and I was responsible for providing the Dessert! Googled it, not much to choose from, the Piña Colada Cheesecake was the best I could come up with but it tasted OK and I think you will agree, it looked quite attractive, even if the meringue on the top almost slid off when I went to put it onto the serving platter!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Better late than never!

Last week Hobart celebrated the Winter Solstice with the launch of Dark Mona. David Walch pulled out all the stops with this fantastic light which went right up to the outer atmosphere and on a clear night you could see it from almost everywhere.

Photos show the light (copied from my RAC. Magazine cover) and one from a friend who went right to the source of the light and pointed her camera upwards. I went up during the day and took the last ones, showing its proximity to the Cenotaph and some of the 47 black boxes which made up the lights.

It was a great talking point, pity we can't keep it, after all Paris has the Eiffel Tower, Sydney has the Opera House, London has Tower Bridge, why can't we have The Light?