Even though it was Sunday, even though it was only 5 degrees outside and even though it was lovely and warm in bed my latest asset, my audio book on my ipod, makes me leap out of bed and get down to the beach where my friends, the birds, are waiting for me.
I am on my second Steig Larsson book, 'The Girl who kicked the Hornets Nest" and although it is very involved, I don't think I would want to live in Sweden (with all those funny names) and the political situation, with Secret Police watching Secret Police etc. etc.
Maybe next time I will go for something English, like the Forsyte Saga, that is a whole 48 hours of walking (and listening) as I have made up my mind I will only listen to it when I am out walking, it is certainly an added incentive, not that I should really need an incentive, living in a great place like Blackmans Bay!!