Don't you just love that word 'interstate'? Funny you don't say 'intercountry' or 'intertown' if you are in another country or another town!!!
Anyway, that is not the point of this Blog!
By the back gate we have a most insignificant little native called a Boronia. At the moment it is only about 20 cm high, but it has the most delicious perfume! The other day I went out and took some photos, prostrating myself on the path (the neighbours must have wondered what was going on) to get a photo looking up. From above it looks like little brown balls but when you look closer (and get down on the path) you see that the brown balls are, in fact, little brown bells with yellow inside and little brown star calyx's.
It is so small at the moment that I was loathe to cut it to take some indoors, but as you see from the third photo, I managed to select two stems (felt very bad about it) and now I have this beautiful scent indoors as well. Wish there were some way that you could just scratch the screen and smell for yourself!! But once again, you will have to take my word for it.
It is 5.06 am (disregard the time it says on the Blog, I have tried putting it right but to no avail) but it is nice to be able to get up and do things and not have to be quiet in case I disturb DB (dearly beloved)
Wally has gone home and Ken comes home on Monday, he has been in Victoria playing Croquet in the (that word again) Interstate Golf Croquet Competition. By the sound of him (he phones each evening) he is having a good time.