Friday, February 9, 2018

Australia Day BBQ

We had our usual Australia Day BBQ but this year we had a bigger better venue as friends Daphne and Jos have moved in over the road, very convenient, although the workload was the same, Shirley and I worked like Trojans to get everyone fed and watered on a very pleasant afternoon.   The sausages and lamingtons went down a treat and the homemade lemonade recipe from my neighbour back in England ensured that everyone could toddle safely back home.

Ken enjoyed himself, surrounded by all those beautiful women.

Carers Tasmania

Because of Ken's declining health I have joined an Organisation which arranges 'fun' things for us to get into when we are not caring for our nearest and dearest!   I am not sure if the aim is to finish us all off first but on Wednesday I went on my first adventure!   Seven of us turned up on a lovely sunny morning at Blackmans Bay (our old stamping ground) to ABSEIL down the 18 metre cliff to the rocks below!   After some instruction and getting our "gear" on it was time to go!   The first lady to go, after a great deal of heavy breathing, decided it was not for her, don't blame her, but after that over went No. 2 and No 3, No 4 gave up then No. 5 and then it was my turn!    Twice I wanted to come back but the Instructor assured me I was over the worst.  Walking backwards over a cliff and then learning back, with your right hand clutching tightly to the rope that lets you go is not a lot of fun. Next time I will stick to Cheese Making and Photography and maybe even Pottery, and give the 'adventures' a miss.   It reminded me of that Irish song  'Why Murphy's not at work today' cos he let go the bloody rope and landed on the bricks below, well I landed on a rocky ledge with my feet almost dangling in the water from the incoming tide.   I lay there still clutching the rope in my right hand, not that I could have fell any further, only into the sea!  As I lay there recovering I wondered how long it would be before them up top realised there was not a lot of activity from my end, and that I had not untied the extra safety rope  for them to pull it up for the next person.   It seemed an eternity before one of the blokes, who just happened to be a volunteer Fireman, hauled me up and helped me up the rocky cliff face back to the top.   I would never have managed it on my own as it was quite a climb but I did manage to film the bloke after me coming down, to give you an idea what an 18 metre cliff face looks like (sounds even better in feet - 54 feet!)

fingers crossed the video works!

This is another brave soul, she got really keen and went over three times!   Once was enough for me!

and this is how it looks from the top, he got keen too and in the end, as in this one, he did all the prep on his own.

Phew what a day!

Hi-tech Hobart

We have just had the Ladies Australian Open Tennis Championships here in Hobart.   The weather towards the end of the competition was not very kind, wind and rain stopped play several times but they had the answer to mopping up the flooded courts so that play could resume!

If you have any old towels you don't want I am sure the Tennis Association Hobart would be able to put them to good use.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

My little Mate

Had a companion while I was weeding, this little skink appeared from nowhere and stayed around.

Morning walk

This morning g Shirley and I came across this lovely Rainbow Lorikeet feeding in the flowering gumtree.

He was not a bit shy, just a little curious as to what we were doing.