Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hoya Bella

It's flowering time, again, for our Hoya to bloom and fill the room with her delicate perfume.   I am sure these stars come at least twice a year, I am going to monitor it this year.  It is well worth the extra sweeping up in a couple of weeks time, when they all start to fall.
Getting over my aches and pains from the walk.   Still got some physio to have though for my back, put that out from walking funny cos of my ankle!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Three Capes Walk

Phew!    Still recovering from my four day hike around two of the Three Capes out from Port Arthur.
Went with a friend (and Sherpa) of Heidi, who offered to carry what I couldn't manage so he got my sleeping bag and wet weather gear.   Check out the website, see how lovely it is but it may be my Swansong as far as long overnight walks are concerned, getting too old for that lark!   We had to take all our own food so didn't really enjoy the dehydrated meals I took.   Three and a half hours before the end of the walk ( and just after one lady got airlifted back to hospital in Hobart) I had a fall and severely strained my left ankle.   Thinking back, I really don't know how I managed to get down to the end, as it was mostly steep steps, uneven and I had to negotiate them sideways, one at a time.   It hurt like hell and I am still having to keep off it and keep it elevated if possible.
Do have a look at the website, I think it will become one of the best Tassie walks, it cost enough to put in (twoandahalf million dollars of taxpayers money) and not everybody was in agreement, but the track has been well done, just not for little legs!