Sunday, July 26, 2015


A terrible thing happened yesterday, here, just off Maria Island, a recreational diver got taken by a White Pointer, right in front of his daughter.   This is the same bit of water where George has been diving lately, also for scallops!    First fatality in Tasmanian waters for 21 years apparently.   I hope George isn't fishing this weekend!

Monday, July 20, 2015

My first taste of Scallops!

George came the other day with some lovely fresh Scallops which he had caught only the day before.   He must be mad, the water would have been freezing at this time of the year, even though he wore a wetsuit!.
Anyway I enlisted the help of good friend and connoisseur Eva, and she came round and cooked them for us and shared them with us.
Here they are, from start to finish:

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Look what some kind neighbour just bought us!

Jerusalem Arcichokes

What do you do with these knobbly things?   How the Dickens do you peel 'em?