Friday, October 24, 2014

Mont Saint-Michel

Reminds me of the time we went over with Ed and Val and climbed up right to the top.   (Kind permission Tim and Mandies Facebook page)

Another good PROBUS walk

Have not done this one for a few years, it doesn't get any less steep, but it's worth it in the end.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Visitors from Wales

(land of our fathers!)
My cousin Raymond in South Wales has a grand daughter working over here for a year with her rugby playing boyfriend.
We spent a pleasant couple of hours recently over dinner.    They are enjoying their stay but have had enough of Sydney, having worked there enough to finance a bit of travel.   Pity they only spent four days here, maybe they will come back to pick apples, or cherries or something in the summer.

Our latest Wall Hanging

Almost finished, an "Eva" inspired joint work which will go to The Heart Foundation.

Aren't they pretty?

Things are starting to happen in our garden!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fossil Cove Walk

"Yesterday I decided it was time I showed walking companion Shirley the walk down to Fossil Cove.
It was a lovely day so we parked Ken at the Beach Restaurant with the morning paper and numerous cups of coffee, and off we went, ten minutes up the road to Fossil Cove.
It was not a long walk, but lots of steps and quite steep in places.    My thighs are certainly feeling it today.