Saturday, February 1, 2014

So now we are back home in Tasmania

and the weather is even hotter than it was up in the sub tropics.    Now I am doing my homework o. fletcher Christian, Bligh and the Mutiny and all that stuff.   There are only 1600 inhabitants  and they are having a recruitment drive to try and get another 600 people but I think we are quite happy where we are, thank you.

Our trusty car

No good being on Norfolk Island without a car, and this was our transport for the four days.   Not sure how many km we did, but it only took $40 to fill up the tank before we left it back at the airport.  The roads were a bit rubbishy but nowhere was far away and it was very convenient.

The shopping was good as it is all duty free and they have quite a lot of decent stuff from Europe, in particular Germany, nice shoes etc. so a bit of retail therapy was called for.

A Walk on the Wild Side

Met a couple of fellas, who offered us a cup of tea, said yes, but didn't get very far with them, we found them very cold!

Kingston, Norfolk Island.

The historic site is very well kept and very interesting.   It was one of the first convict settlements in Australia and one of the cruellest!   From a here, if you were lucky, you might get sent down to Port Arthur or to Sarah Island at Strahan on the West Coast.   Wherever you went, it was hardly a bed of roses.

The beautiful frangipani

Rough night at the Novotel

We fly home tomorrow, it has been a very pleasant few days and I think Heidi has enjoyed it too.
Just a few photos to finish with.