Thursday, August 30, 2012

I've blogged all this in reverse

So now it is time for a cup of coffee and a warm up, it's ****** freezing out there! The things I do for you (and you and you)

Took a little stroll up Scenic Drive

With my iPad this time. Did it all yesterday with my camera but somehow I could not get to blog them.

This is John's house at the top of the road and his front garden and crocuses are lovely.

John has these beautiful Orchids

They have been blooming for weeks and show no signs of dying .

Margaret Stein's camellias

Margaret has a great collection of camellias but it just started to rain, so you only got this one.

Mary May's leucodendrons

She has given me permission to cut as many as I like. Isn't that kind of her?

Back down to no 28

The azaleas and camellias have been wonderful but they are nearly over now.

My No Dig Garden

Along the fence line I have made a bit of a no dig garden by building it up rather than digging down (and disturbing the worms)

Second kaffeeklatsch

Went to my second morning recently. I took some of my piggies as I have not mastered the art of Schweineohren!

Some photos therefrom!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Don't forget

If you want to see all of the photo just click on it!
Here endeth the first lesson!

I am getting there!

Started this project twenty three years ago and am determined to finish it for this Christmas!
Do I hear you say "but what is it?"
Well it's tree skirt! American of course and you stand your Christmas tree on it.
This year I would like to have a real tree, can picture it already, standing there in the bay window,it's lights twinkling away as you drive up the road (mind you,it will be summer and still light in the evening)
Oh well,I can't have it both ways, we chose to come here (best decision) so don't be a whingeing Pom Hazel.
My spelling is getting worse, maybe it's wingeing or maybe it's whinging,
Maybe I should google it as my spellchecker here is going nuts, but then it is American!

Sunday, August 26, 2012


It's pretty chilly here at the moment. That white stuff up on the hill is actually snow! I know it is not very impressive but it is the best we can do! Brr makes you feel like going back to bed. I guess 25 years here has made me a but soft (would say a bit of a whoos but I don't know how to spell it!)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

And how are you feeling today?

Well the flowers say it all-droopy

Friday, August 17, 2012

Line dancing (again)

I think I am making progress!

And now they play it at home!

It was Ken's turn to host the weekly Mah Jong session so we had to buy some chocolate biscuits!! He plays with three neighbours, Helga from Hamburg, Margaret from Cologne and Philip from I don't know where.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A new experience!

You are never too old to learn a new game, and now it is Mah Jong! Not to be confused with the Solitaire game you can play online, this is groovy!

Today Ken and I fronted up at our local Senior Citizens Hall and a very kind lady took us in hand and gave us our first lesson in wall building kongs and pungs and we left thoroughly bamboozled but promising to turn up next week for our next lesson!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Olympics

Have not said anything about the Olympics so far but I have watched more this year than ever before.
Must be getting more 'ozziefied' as I even feel a bit of emotion on the rare occasions that 'our' national anthem comes
Mind you,things have perked up a bit these last few days but I do find that the ozzies are very hard on their Olympians, I think anyone who is good enough to go to London deserves a medal.
Have loved seeing London and all the different venues, it has looked happy and glorious, the Brits have done a good job and should be proud of themselves.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Who needs an expensive Bread Maker?


The broadband roll out comes to Redwood Village!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Rose by any other name.....

Don't know the rest of the quote so it's up to you to complete.

Have conquered crochet roses(thanks to the net) so this is an existing tea cosy, given a makeover!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Kiya is off to Melbourne

To seek her fortune!

So she popped in to see us and I gave her the pink top I bought in Richmond way back in January. It looked good and the colour was just right for her.

Clever friends

Wendy went recently to a class to make her own boots, and here they are!

This little piggy went to market!

And the rest of the little piggies got eaten!

Messing about with Heidi, we found a site on the world wide web but then we simplified it (with the help of some ready made puff pastry) put some fruit mince inside and they were good enough to eat!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Girls day at Linda's

Today it was Linda's turn to do lunch and as you will see, she went to a great deal of trouble and as far as Joan and Margaret are concerned she will be a hard act to follow!

For our first course she did a tasty roast vegetable pie and for our dessert there was a deep fried banana in batter, a tasty brandy snap thing sitting on ganache, some sort of couli and ice cream, oh and don't forget the rose petals and flower garnish!

Think she has been watching too much Masterchef on tele recently.

Well done Linda we all enjoyed it and had our usual good laugh into the bargain.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

and there's still snow on them thar mountains!

Think my blood must be turning to water, thank god for long johns!!!
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