Friday, February 24, 2012

Leaving our temporary Abode


Its off to Redwood today so here we are, waiting for Heidi to take us over to meet the removal men.
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The Big move


This dresser came from Coulsdon to Tasmania, Oyster Cove, then to Grove, then to Blackmans Bay and finally to Redwood Village!

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Borrowed car!


So, our car is in dock, and now it will not be ready till next week, so they lent us a blue one!

Went to the supermarket, came out, two blue cars, just to confuse me, but I found the right one, eventually, after panicking cos the key wouldn't open the 'wrong' car!

Forgot to say, the car came with a bloomin" huge huntsman (spider to those who have never met a huntsman) so after an almighty scream from me, a gallant Australian came and quicky disposed of it!!
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Heidi!



Today is Heidi (from Germanys) birthday, so it started with a visit from the God daughter, with her present of a beautiful Chinese Brush stroke painting, recently completed by her. I will have to put my order in, before she becomes famous!
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

There are:-





Rhode Island Reds, Light Sussex, Auracanas, Isa Browns, Australorpes, Leghorns,
Australorpe/Leghorn Crosses, Plymouth Barred Rocks, Australorpe/Plymouth Barred Rock crosses and Spanish Game and just look how uncomfortable they look, fancy sleeping standing up! I gather their feet lock onto the perch once they sleep, so they don't fall off and the young ones have to be taught to perch. Anything else you want to know, oh yes, they lay lots of eggs but I still don't know what comes first, the chicken or the egg!!
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These two get a bedroom to themselves



and I expect they are the first to crow in the morning around 3 or 3.30 am!!
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These young ones have not learnt to perch yet


so they kip on the ground.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Yellow cheeked Black Cockatoos!


In Tasmania our cockatoos have yellow patches on their cheeks and yellow tail feathers. In the Northern Territory they have red tail feathers and are most striking when you see a flock of them flying off together.

This photo was taken in T&M's garden, probably by Mandie.
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A few photos from our temporary abode.


This is taken round the back, the doors into the living room.
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and another view of the house and G.A.

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The Granny Annexe.


This is the G.A. presently inhabited by friend Heidi, this was take a while ago, now it has a snazzy curved roof over the back deck.
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Tim's house








For those of you who don't know, this is the house that Tim (not Jack) built! It was built in several stages and is probably still not complete. As you drive in it looks a bit Spanish or Mexican, that adobe look, but the curves are amazing, guess he likes his curves and the roof lines are good, as grandson George discovered when he took his camera up on the roof recently.
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Sunday, February 19, 2012

The new floor!



What do you think of the new Bamboo Floating Floor, and the two blokes who laid it? We are so pleased with it, can't wait to move in, probably next Thursday when our furniture comes out of storeage.

PS the 'two blokes' of course are son and grandson George.
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The Tasman Island Boat Trip






On Thursday Heidi and I drove down to Port Arthur to do a three hour trip around the rugged coastline of the Tasman Peninsular. It was very rough and taking photos was not easy, however I did manage to get a few which I was proud of, that is until I accidentally deleted half of them when trying to put them on the computer. Damn! I have not given up hope of getting them back though, so keep your fingers crossed!

We had intended to spend the next day at the Historic Site, but the weather had other ideas, so we came back to Hobart and maybe we will choose a better day to go down there. This is Tasmania's most visited Tourist Destination so I would like her to see it, butwe will see.
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A Colony of seals



all male, some squaring up to each other, obviously looking for a fight.
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Tasman Island



and the most southern lighthouse in the southern hemisphere (hope I got that bit right!)
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